Animals communicate by telepathy which is also known as
non- verbal communication. It is like having a two way conversation but they use many different ways including thoughts, feelings and images to convey their messages. It is an empathic heart centred connection which helps all species gain a greater understanding of themselves and others.
Every animal is a thinking, feeling creative individual with a life they share with their humans and a life that is only known to them.
Animals are always very connected to your hearts, minds and your energy and distance makes no difference because the energetic vibration they work on is much higher than ours.
All species communicate in many different ways and the benefits of them being heard and understood by humans are immeasurable. In gaining a deeper insight often matters of concern are resolved. It can also be transformational for humans too.
Animal communication is not a substitute for veterinary diagnosis however it can be complementary to that. I do carry out a body scan and animals will draw my attention to areas of concern either physical or emotional.
It is such an honour to work as an animal communicator and healer and connect to so many wonderful souls. I work primarily by photograph so it doesn't matter where in the world you live, however if you require a home visit this can also be arranged.
"Animals are not property or 'things' but rather living organisms, subjects of a life, who are worthy of our compassion, respect, friendship, and support."
Marc Bekoff
I have always had very strong intuition and psychic abilities which as a child I think people found somewhat disarming - I know at times I did too! As a child, living in the countryside, I spent a lot of time on my own and always felt more at ease with animals and in nature .
My favourite TV programme was Animal Magic with Johnny Morris who would give the animals voices and it felt real and completely natural to me because that is what our animals did as far as I was concerned! We moved to London when I was about 8 and whilst we had dogs, the peace and quiet of the countryside disappeared into urban noise and I began to grow up and away from my abilities for some years - or I ignored them is probably a more accurate description! Many years later I was back in the countryside with young children and my gifts bubbled to the surface again and I trained in healing and transformational therapies and to this day work alongside people wanting to make wonderful changes.
About ten years ago I woke up one morning with the absolute knowledge that I was going to be working with, and be of service to, the animal kingdom. Hooray! A journey of discovery began that is now an eternal passion. I have worked with animals, domesticated and wild, from many parts of the world and each communication and healing has proved very beneficial for both the animal and their human.
"Some people talk to animals. not many listen though. That's the problem."
A.A Milne

Please send me two good, clear photos of your animal on their own (one headshot and one full body ensuring I can see at least one eye). Details required are name, age, gender, how long they have been with you and if they are a rescued soul. If applicable up to five questions or concerns you may have- brief outline is sufficient.
After communication has taken place we will organise an hour's video conversation to share and discuss.
Help in sad times
Someone once said that until we've loved an animal, part of our soul remains unawakened.
There's nothing, after all, that compares to the unconditional love and companionship that animals can offer.
When the time comes to say goodbye at the end of their life not only is it heartbreaking but can be stressful. Knowing what your beloved friend is thinking or feeling, what their needs may be, can help you cope as you will also be dealing with your own deep emotions.
I can support you through this time by communicating with you both and guiding you into a healing, sacred and more peaceful space
Further sessions
Where there is a need for further work, this is organised on a case by case basis.
£70/ hour
Souls in Spirit
The bonds we have with our animals can be so treasured that when they die it is heartbreaking and I am so sorry for your loss.
Animals who have died are still able to communicate and this can be a source of great comfort to those who are left behind.
I suggest you wait at least a month after the death of your beloved animal before contacting me as they need to adjust to the transition.
Please send me a photo, name and gender plus any questions.
These times
For many people and animals we are in challenging times. If your animal is in need or struggling and finances are tight, please get in touch.
We can find a way through together.
Healing Offerings
All conversations with animals take place in a healing space but you may feel that following on more focussed healing is required for any emotional or physical issues (please always consult a vet for medical concerns).
Remote healing £50 per session or £130 for 3 sessions
Home visits POA
For healing without a prior conversation with your animal please send me a photo and details of the issues including your vet's diagnosis. I do not diagnose.
Remote healing £50 per session or £130 for 3 sessions
Home visits POA
Pro Bono
For animal charities and rescue centres my services are given freely in appreciation for all you do.
For general enqiuries.